Employee Savings Schemes

PERCO or excess retirement pension scheme (Article 83)… what is the best scheme for topping up your employees’ retirement pension?

How should the profit-sharing payments be made?

How can an effective profit-sharing agreement be implemented when a company has several business units?

What are the rules regarding the distribution of free shares to employees?

Employee savings schemes are a lever for optimizing salaries. ELSE provides assistance with the setting up of employee savings schemes and employee share ownership plans adapted to each company’s needs.

Profit-sharing: Auditing the structuring and optimization of group profit-sharing schemes, drafting and securing agreements (collective and fortuitous character), replying to observations made by the DIRECCTE, assisting in the event of any questioning of social contribution exemptions.

Savings schemes: PEE, PEI, PEG, PERCO, PERCOG, managing matching contributions…

Worktime savings scheme (Compte épargne temps – CET) 

Employee and management share ownership: bonus shares, BSE, BSPCE, stock options

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